Thursday 20 February 2014

Fashion & Style With Luu

Talking Beauty and Style with Luumuno
Bleaching has become an in-thing today in modern society. Women have spent lots of money on beauty products than they spend on food and clothing. Apparently they have decided that the lighter one gets, the more beautiful one becomes.

Dreadful Cockroft Bridge

By Luumuno Siangoma Mudenda and Jacob Mumpande

Cockcroft bridge at Siachilaba is one of the most dangerous and hazardous bridge in Zimbabwe. It is named after Ivor Gwynn Cockcroft, who was District Commissioner for Binga and Gokwe during the colonial era. Mr. Cockcroft pioneered the construction of the road from Binga to Kamativi.
Bridge has a big pothole and several accidents have happened here
The bridge is very narrow and it does not have any continuous supporting pillars and guides which by law is one of the mandatory requirements when constructing bridges.  The sight of plane-ended surface induces panic among many drivers. To make matters worse when descending from the direction of Kamativi, the bridge has got a pothole which poses a hazard at the entrance having the ability to make a vehicle to lose control and slip into the river. 
The bridge allows passage of one car at a time. Motorist and villagers alike have noted this with concern that it is not safe considering the fact that school children use the same bridge when going to school.

Informed Community; Empowered Citizen

Basilwizi; good deed inseparable ...says Community

By Luumuno Siangoma Mudenda and Jacob Mumpande

Binga community appreciates all who contributed effort to the origins of Basilwizi Trust. The organization has done a all in helping remote areas in the district especially when it comes to information dissemination. It has trained 14 "citizen journalist", opened media clubs, through the club they now produce newsletters and consistently supply newspapers weekly.

"Did you hear about that?" News consumers seem to be saying at Siachilaba  B/Center

Academically we are benefiting from the project as we are now improved in English Language, owing to great exposure to newspapers", said Everjoy Muleya, a student at Pashu high.

People in the community are very pleased with the weekly distribution of newspapers and are now updated with current events.