Tuesday 14 January 2014

Basilwizi Looks into the Mirror Again

Dr Manyena following proceedings at a review meeting
The month of December each year marks a collaborative review of Basilwizi Trust work. The 2013 review meeting was held at Binga Rest Camp while the Staff and Board Meeting was held at Tusimpe Pastoral Center. 

Participants comprised Basilwizi Board of Trustees and Basilwizi staff members. 

PO Health - Shadreck Ndlovu making a presentation on the recently adopted CPC Policy
Project Officers made Sector Thematic presentations on achievements against targets, partnerships and networks,

administration, policy reviews as well as finance projections in view of alleviating poverty in the Zambezi Valley (ZV).  

The annual review checked on whether Basilwizi Trust is still operating within its Vision and Mission framework, which are;

o   A sustainable people-driven socioeconomic development in the Zambezi valley
o   Commitment to building the capacity of the Tonga and Korekore communities - for them to realize improved and sustainable well-being and free themselves from poverty, respectively
Key issues that emerged during the Basilwizi Trust 2013 Annual review were around Partnerships and Networking
Staff critiquing BasT policies
o   One of Basilwizi Trust’s strategic approaches is to develop strategic alliances with state and non-state actors. Of importance to Basilwizi, is working with the local traditional leadership in supporting various community-led development initiatives.
o   Basilwizi Trust has and continues to work with Government line ministries and technical departments as well as non government actors operational in target districts. Silveira House continues to be a major partner in Education and Culture support programmes whereas Action Aid International - Zimbabwe continues to support Governance issues. Other major funding partners for 2014 programming year are KNH, UNICEF, Firelight Foundation, HIVOS and PACT.
Director - Frank Mudimba leading a presentation on the HR Policy

 The donor world continues to shrink and Basilwizi continues to face challenges with funding. However, Basilwizi will be getting into a partnership with World Vision International to implement a fisheries project in the ZV.

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