Wednesday 23 July 2014

Repair our roads urgently

By Blessing Munkuli

Binga community appeals to the Government through the responsible ministry and the District Development Fund (DDF) to come to the rescue of the people of the District whose roads are in bad state.
Most roads in the district are not passable and they are now even worse than they were prior 1980. The DDF has totally failed to maintain or repair their roads.
After the destructive rains which hit Binga during the rainy season, villagers were expecting to see the government coming to repair these roads but surprisingly nothing has been done until today and this has forced bus companies to withdraw servicing the district.
Villagers are now walking very long distances to reach the nearest bus stations.
The Members of Parliament (MP) from the two constituencies are seemingly failing to address the villagers’ plight who voted them into Parliament hence villagers are bitter about it.
“They are silent about the issue because they visit the area only when it is time to campaign for another term in office that is when they come to promising us that all roads will be tarred. Siabuwa road has long been used as a campaign tool by politician in Binga North Constituency up to today the road is still not tarred and road users have even abandoned the road for its unbearable corrugations,” said one of the villagers.
There is no single tarred road in this district which is very rich in natural resources. We are being taken for granted in Binga.
People of Binga hope that Binga-Siabuwa, Binga-Lusulu, Kariyangwe-Lubimbi and Lusulu-Gwayi roads be repaired urgently before many lives are lost in accidents due to bad road networks.

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